Tuesday, October 19, 2010

View from tour...

A very merry unbirthday to you and you and you...
Oh wait- it might actually be your birthday - if so- get off the internet and go and have a great day!!

I'm officially on tour so its busy times between shows which means this will be a short blog.

I just wanted to pass on a few things to you all...
Firstly those beautiful tour posters (that I still owe a whole blog too and I will!)

are now for sale online along with an end of summer merchandise sale with TShirts designed by the brilliant Twinkle Troughton


A lovely new friend and amazing photographer Gem Hall put together a lovely video of us on tour and some gorgeous pictures of the Tamesis Dock '"boat gig" - I love her!!

There is lots more but I can't think right now- I'm too hungry!

If you are around at any of these dates it would be great to see your lovely face at a tour date:

Love and lunch!
