Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And all that jazz...

Photo by Saul

Good day my pretties!
Last Saturday we played our best gig... yet! The Jazz Cafe was full to the brim of every kind of people all of which sang and swayed along wonderfully to our 1.5 hour set from the album and before. I even played a solo song right in the middle of the set- Button- which is my very appropriate ode to the government!! You could hear a pin drop- it was magical to have the stage all to myself and such a supporting audience... of course when the band joined in it was riotous again!
I won't go on about it but we have had amazing feedback and pictures... here is a sterling review from THE FLY
and the lovely people at EMERGING FERVOUR

We were lucky enough to be able to delve into the rails at bundles at BEYOND RETRO 
as they are kitting out the whole band for the festival season - the boys, and girl looked so chic for this gig- I almost felt under-dressed in my tasseled bodysuit (bargain from EBAY)  and various array of netted skirts, striped tights and Irregular Choice boots. As always, Jen spread her magic across the stage too doing all of our hair and makeup. We really enjoyed doing my 'candyfloss' inspired hairdo and will be posting a 'HOW TO' video guide to my gig styling soon!

Last week I got to be a model for the evening at LadyFest's 'Swallows and Amazons' life drawing class - I chose not to go naked but I did get elaborately dressed up in a theatrical 'pirate' shirt, black breeches, an Amelia Mullins feathered headpiece and my favourite I.C boots!! I was so flattered to be invited to take part in this and loved meetings the artists and seeing their beautiful work!
I even played a few songs for them to draw along too- making sure I stayed as still as possible!!

What else have I been up to?!
Oh yes... VIDEO BLOGGING... here are the first two:

Other than that I have been an extra in REVERE's new music video - spot me and my dog Hobbes! I have also been plotting fashion shows, organising my festival-filled summer and filming my '7 Days of Chic' for Fashionair

I was also in The Guardian last week :o)
 So it's been an exciting time for me - thankyou for all your lovely messages and comments - keep them 'acomin!!

lots and lots of cuddly love to you and you and YOU!!!!
