I am guilty of being stupidly busy...
I'm sorry but also I'm excited.
A LOT has happened recently... I can't tell you about all the things yet but I will tell you that we were on BBC RADIO 2 last week which was AMAZING- so exciting to hear our single on the car radio!! And the TOUR BEGAN! Oh and I got a proper job in a beautiful clothes shop - I needed to pay the rent and it seems a fitting place to do so!
Oh oh annnnd THIS:
So yes a busy busy bee.
10th October @ Vintage Fair, Manchester Metropolitan University
Me, Stephen and Jen left London at 8am and tried to stay awake for 4 hours till the 'Manchester Metropolitan University' sign was a few feet in front of us...
What a great fair - amazing stalls of accessories, clothes, cupcakes and incredible fascinators (one of which I now own thankyou to lovely Stephen!)
We set up on a little stage just by the walkway through the fair and our audience including my dad and sister stood the other side of the room which made for an interesting gig!! Jen

After the show we went shopping, of course, well browsing due to lack of funding... it was at this point that I suddenly realised that this vintage tour idea was a dangerous one for my shopping habit!!
Then Jen and Stephen left for London with my guitar in the car... which I later remembered I needed for a radio session in Manchester the next day - WHOOPSADAISY!!
Luckily my sister lives in Manc and has a very talented musician boyfriend who is incredibly generous and owns a beautiful electro-acoustic Tanglewood guitar- PHEW!
We had a family night out at a yummy Italian restaurant with me, dad, sister, her boyfriend and our 2 cousins who happened to be in Manchester that weekend too... what great timing, eh?! The timing was SO good in fact that I managed to blag a bed in the hotel my dad was in, only THE nicest hotel in Manchester- The Palace- HOLEY MOLEY this place was incredible- very art deco and BIG, very big. Somehow we were upgraded to a double suite which meant we both had king sized beds- wow! This amazing luck was slightly dampened at 1am when the fire alarm went off and woke us... I admit dad and I are not good in an emergency... we just sleepily wandered round our room wondering what to do!! When we finally got wrapped up warm and stepped out the door the alarm stopped... apparently it was a false alarm because a customer was (and I quote) "using the shower too hard" !!!!! ?????? !!!!!!
The next day after a yummy "free" cooked breakfast we trundled off with the borrowed guitar to the Lowry theatre where I joined the BBC Manchester crew to read through the Sunday papers live on air with the DJ Andy Crane , Comedian Ruth Cockborn and Politician Matthew (I fully admit I never found out his surname, sorry!) they were all lovely and although I'm not exactly a connoisseur of current affairs- it went well and was good fun. Oh and I played 3 songs- just me and the borrowed guitar...
Our journey home was a long one...traaaaaaaaffic all the way.
So THAT was Manchester!
Xox Gabspell xoX
PS. that lovely photo was by my talented sister NICKY YOUNG